Get Rid of Those Brown Age Spots?

Posted by Jammes 8/25/2009 0 comments
Frustrated with the brown age spots that keep showing up on your skin? Do you want to know what can be done to make them go away? If so, it will help to know what causes them in the first place. Although all people are not bothered with them, others find them extremely embarrassing.

Known also as liver spots or sun spots, these small brown spots on the skin are caused by two things. Aging is one and the sun is the second.

The primary cause of these spots is the sun. The mid-day sun is particularly strong and will cause them to appear even more rapidly.

The sun causes the melanin cells we all possess to gear up to protect the skin. After you repeatedly expose your skin to the rays of the sun, the brown spots will begin to show up more and more. They will show up on the areas exposed to the sun on a more regular basis such as the face, hands, shoulders and feet.

Another cause of brown age spots is simply your age. They will begin to appear due to the reduction in the amount of elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid produced by the body.

As we get older, our bodies begin to make less of certain proteins. That is why the skin wrinkles and loses the elasticity it had in younger years.

Age spots do not normally begin to show until after the age of 40. This is when the ones caused by aging will begin to be noticed.

The sun related age spots can show up at any time if there is prolonged exposure to the UV rays that are harmful to the skin. However, it usually takes several years to get to that point.

The dark spots caused by age are not harmful. They are known by the medical term senile lentigines.

There are options for the elimination of brown age spots however, many of them are expensive. Laser treatments are one of the most expensive.

They can reduce or eradicate the spots but there are different kinds of treatments. Some are for sun spots and others are for the age spots which typically are just on the top layer of the skin.

Also there is no guarantee this method will work. It depends on the cause of the spot.

Another method is microdermabrasion and it is expensive as well. This procedure works by taking off the top layers of skin to get rid of brown age spots.

Often a technique of using crystals blasted at high speed is employed to remove the skin, thus eliminating the age-spots. This method is supposed to allow new skin cells to develop.

Bleaching the skin is another method often used for fading brown age spots. This method, if it even works will take months to accomplish.

The product has to have time to break down the pigment that causes the spots. A problem with using this method is it may not work or it may leave white spots instead of the brown age spots.

If you do not want brown spots, you do not want white spots either. The spots are what you are trying to eliminate.

Your next step? To take what you've just learned and put it to use finding the right product to get rid of your brown age spots.


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