Diabetic Foot Pain

Posted by admin 2/06/2010 0 comments
Motor peripheral neuropathy affects muscle nerves, leading to soreness, immobility and imbalance. Likewise, autonomic neuropathy affects functions that are controlled by the subconscious, such as sweating and reflexes. Diabetics suffering autonomic neuropathy will often suffer cracked skin and thickened calluses which can lead to bacterial infection and, in extreme cases, amputation. Circulatory issues can compound these problems and further contribute to diabetic foot pain.

If you are suffering from diabetic foot pain, it is important consult your physician so that you can create a custom treatment plan. The following is a list of commonly recommended steps for managing diabetic foot pain.

* Diabetic shoes. Selecting a proper fitting diabetic shoe, complete with custom insoles, will provide the foot with proper support and prevent further irritation.
* Exercise. Once you have the proper diabetic footwear, make sure you engage the muscles and joints in order to minimize stiffness. In some instances, your doctor may recommend physical therapy with a professional.
* Massage and moisturize. Rubbing your feet with a foot roller and diabetic foot cream containing Vitamin B can help to alleviate pain over time. Use toe nail oil to prevent cracking and ask your doctor about prescription creams that may enhance massaging.
* Compression therapy. The use of compression socks and support hose can improve circulation issues.
* Check your blood sugar regularly. Persistent high blood sugar levels will contribute to the factors which cause foot pain. Make sure you regularly check your blood sugar and monitor any unusual swings or persistent dips/elevations.

Note: This information is not intended to supplement or replace advice from a medical professional, or to diagnose or treat any condition.


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