Positive Mental Attitude

Posted by Jammes 7/17/2010 0 comments
They get caught up with latest fashion trends, and get the most recent clothes, buy the latest gadgets, buy a new car annually, hoping to fill that void, but this void can only be filled from within. You want to think positively about yourself, your actions, along with your situation if you're ever to be happy from within. External factors may make you feel better for a short moment, however, these are short-term solutions to the issue.

The very first thing you can do to get a positive mental attitude is to change the way you talk to yourself. People have a voice in their head, constantly commenting on what they see, do, think and feel. Seriously, really deliberate it. It's like the cartoon sketch you saw growing up, where the character had a mini version of himself as an angel on one shoulder as well as a devil on the other shoulder. It really is like we've got a different person within us. What we must do would be to make this person talk positively to us, we need positive ideas to originate from there mouth. This won't happen overnight, it will require time to accomplish, but it's possible, and you can achieve it. To give an example, if you've made a blunder, rather then criticising yourself, simply admit there was an error in judgement, you will learn from it in order that you're ready for the next time, and move ahead. It truly is that simply.

As the second example, when I workout in the health and fitness center, whilst on the rowing machine or exercise bike, I'll constantly repeat in my mind the phrase' Each day and in every way I'm getting better and better.' Now, after hearing this a few times, even just in that one training session, how do you think I feel about myself after my workout? GREAT, is the answer! As my final example, every morning when i walk into my office I'm greeted by my employees and asked 'how are you?' or 'how have you been doing?' My answer is always 'I'm doing GREAT thanks, what about you?' Again, whenever you say this repeatedly over a certain time frame, it manifests itself and becomes your reality. You actually will feel better about yourself, by just saying you fell great. Seriously, test it for yourself. Don't be among those people that responds 'not bad' or 'could be worse'. You need to be tuned in to whatever you tell yourself at all times, as what the mind hears becomes your reality.


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