Learning Meditation

Posted by admin 10/15/2009 0 comments
Although meditation has been around for thousands of years, until recently it seemed like something that was strictly a spiritual pursuit. Now, so many medical professionals believe in the benefits, many more people are thinking of learning meditation. For better health, and especially to relieve stress, it is a great practice to begin.

How does meditation help? There are many studies that show when you meditate, everything slows down: your breathing, your racing mind, your nervous system. It allows both your body and mind to relax just by quieting yourself and breathing properly.

Once you have decided learning meditation is for you, where do you start? Just a little bit of searching will yield hundreds of forms of meditation, and many different ways you can learn. Do not get overwhelmed by the choices. You can start out very simply.

A very simple way to start meditating is by breathing, something you were doing anyway. In this case, you want to try breathing slowly and deeply but naturally. Try to imagine that you are breathing into your stomach rather than your lungs. Every time you breathe in and out, count one. When you reach ten, just start all over again.

Most meditation forms will talk about needing to empty your mind. For most of us, this is easier said than done. In this form, your mind is busy counting breaths but not so busy that it can not relax. And your nervous system will start relaxing simply by breathing this way.

Anytime you want to change your habits, it is easier said than done. So do not try to put in an hour a day learning meditation right from the start. First, find a time and place when you will not be disturbed and then begin with a small amount of time. You can work up to more if you like but try to get the consistent habit first. And do not worry if you find even a few minutes difficult at first. Over time, and with consistent practice, the difficulty will start to fade away and the effects on your health and well being will come even faster.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Trevor_Johnson


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