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Do you sometimes get bogged down when writing, analyzing, designing, or engaged in some other creative endeavor? Or maybe you just can't get started; you experience writer's block or draw a blank. The empty page or screen can be intimidating. Author Peter De Vries said "I love being a writer. What I can't stand is the paperwork."
Then, take a break! I've found that changing from one kind of activity to another stimulates creativity. This is especially true when transitioning from work to leisure, exercise, or a hobby. Perhaps by resting our conscious mind we engage our subconscious mind.
Consider a recent example. One morning, first thing, I began work on a proposal to publish a third edition of one of my books. After about two hours, I had a good start, including an outline and some text. However, I began to bog down and also get hungry. I biked to a nearby restaurant and, while enjoying a light breakfast, three proposal-related ideas "popped" into my head. I wrote about them on the backside of paper placemats.
I then began a ten-mile bike ride, during which I stopped three times to briefly jot down more ideas that appeared "out of the blue." More recently, I followed exactly the same pattern - breakfast and a ten mile bike ride - and, during the ride and out of the blue, I saw how to structure a report that was in the very early stages.
These specific situations are typical of many similar creative experiences I've enjoyed over the years that were stimulated by "changing gears." Taking a break improves personal effectiveness and efficiency.
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Many consumers feel the weight of excessive debt on a daily basis. It can cause an unhealthy amount of stress not only on themselves, but also on their family, friends and job. It leaves many people in a very vulnerable state when they finally come to the decision to seek help for their troubles.
Unfortunately, when turning to a debt settlement company, there are certain firms that may not have the best interest of the consumer in mind when negotiating. It can be easy to spot a bad settlement before being locked into it, but special attention must be paid to the fine points of any contract.
First, remember that the ultimate goal of settling with the credit card companies is to reduce the amount that is owed. While there will almost always be a fee paid to the settlement company, the amount of this fee needs to be examined closely. This is especially true in the case of a company which will ask for a payment every month. Be certain that the fees charged do not total or exceed the amount of the original balance owed to the credit card company.
For companies that charge a single lump-sum payment, scrutinize the contract that is offered. When the negotiations begin, review each offer. Listen to their advice, but also use common sense to avoid entering into a settlement that may increase what you actually pay over time.
Finally, check the history of the company that you are considering. It is very easy to go online and examine their standing with the Better Business Bureau.
Debt settlement has rescued thousands of people from drowning in an overwhelming sea of debt. The large majority of the companies available are honest and willing to help. Taking a little extra time to read and understand the paperwork surrounding your financial negotiations can remove the risk of entering into a bad settlement.
By the way, by researching and comparing the best debt settlement services in the market, you will be able to determine the one that meets your specific financial situation. Nonetheless, it is advisable going with a trusted and reputable debt counselor before making any decision, this way you will save time through specialized advise coming from a seasoned debt advisor and money by getting better results in a shorter span of time.
Hector Milla runs the Best Debt Settlement Companies website - where you can see his best rated debt settlement service recommendation.
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Although meditation has been around for thousands of years, until recently it seemed like something that was strictly a spiritual pursuit. Now, so many medical professionals believe in the benefits, many more people are thinking of learning meditation. For better health, and especially to relieve stress, it is a great practice to begin.
How does meditation help? There are many studies that show when you meditate, everything slows down: your breathing, your racing mind, your nervous system. It allows both your body and mind to relax just by quieting yourself and breathing properly.
Once you have decided learning meditation is for you, where do you start? Just a little bit of searching will yield hundreds of forms of meditation, and many different ways you can learn. Do not get overwhelmed by the choices. You can start out very simply.
A very simple way to start meditating is by breathing, something you were doing anyway. In this case, you want to try breathing slowly and deeply but naturally. Try to imagine that you are breathing into your stomach rather than your lungs. Every time you breathe in and out, count one. When you reach ten, just start all over again.
Most meditation forms will talk about needing to empty your mind. For most of us, this is easier said than done. In this form, your mind is busy counting breaths but not so busy that it can not relax. And your nervous system will start relaxing simply by breathing this way.
Anytime you want to change your habits, it is easier said than done. So do not try to put in an hour a day learning meditation right from the start. First, find a time and place when you will not be disturbed and then begin with a small amount of time. You can work up to more if you like but try to get the consistent habit first. And do not worry if you find even a few minutes difficult at first. Over time, and with consistent practice, the difficulty will start to fade away and the effects on your health and well being will come even faster.
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A magicians patter is the story that they tell while they are doing a trick. This can be an important part of your performance of magic for many reasons and I will cover that in a future article. Ok back to what I was saying about recording your performance. We usually are our own best and worst critic, what I mean is that we will see flaws in our own performance that others will not see, due to the fact that we know the secret of the trick. We might think that we may have exposed the secret of the trick where someone watching you for the first time will not notice.
Most magicians will tell you the best place to start practicing your magic is in front of a mirror. Which is great but I like to take it to the next level, after you feel somewhat comfortable in front of the mirror then get the video camera out and record yourself doing whatever magic trick you are working on perfecting at the time. It also is great to do a little magic show in front of the camera as well. Now the reason that this is helpful is it really gives you a view of your whole performance and your patter as well. If you do not know what a magicians patter is I will explain.
Which brings me to another point about never repeating a trick for the same audience, just like you notice more mistakes and weak points in your magic performance as you watch yourself recorded, they will be looking more carefully the second or third time through as well and you will get caught. As a magician you really want to guard the secret of the tricks, and there are many reasons for that as well which I will talk about another time.
I know it sounds like a lot of work to perfect a magic trick but if you do not want to look foolish then it is well worth the effort, plus it is kind of fun to see yourself perform on camera. Another important note about practice, is to practice the trick slowly especially in the beginning. As they say it is not practice that makes perfect but perfect practice makes perfect. Then speed up little by little as you build muscle memory pretty soon you will be performing the magic trick very smoothly. This also keeps you from getting in the habit of rushing through a trick, because you are afraid that they will catch you making your special move that makes the trick work. That kind of movement just makes the audience more suspicious. Most magicians need to slow down a little it makes for a much nicer affect if your audience sees magic happen right before their eyes in slow motion. Good luck in your practice.
1. Breast-feeding can help new moms to lose weight after pregnancy. The breast-feeding process burns about 500 calories per day. So, the longer you breastfeed, that means the more calories you burn. Although this process can improve your weight loss, After lactation stops you need to careful about eating otherwise you will gain weight.
2. Try to drink 10-12 glasses of water everyday. If you like beverages with high sugar such as sodas, you should replace them with some water or a squeeze of fresh lemon. Drinking water is good for diet that helps you cut out hundreds of calories a day.
3. If you get ready, start light exercise. You may start by walking with the baby for 10 - 15 minute everyday and extend the time gradually or else you have to find easy ways to increase your exercise like using stairs instead of elevators.
4. Eating healthy food - It is not easy for new moms if they have to look after the baby and
find the time or energy to eat properly. However, try to eat a variety of nutritious foods, your diet will be satisfactory. Some advices when choosing food :
- Plan your meals in advance
- Leave junk food and keep healthy snack such as such as raisins, popcorn and nuts.
- Choose the food that simple for quick and easy preparation
- Lean meats give Protein and whole grains give plenty of fiber, try to eat them.
5. Be patient, forget about celebrity moms who lose weight after pregnancy Instantly. Hollywood stars often have major commercial commitments so they have to lose weight after pregnancy faster than for more average women. Don't be act like them unless you do so under expert professional care.
How long it takes you to regain your pre-pregnancy weight depends on on how much weight you gained. You should start weight reduction after 2-3 months when your strength is returning but don't aim for fast weight loss. It should not lose more than one pound per week.