Benefit Your eBay Business from Skype

Posted by admin 12/18/2009 0 comments
While most sellers respond within a few hours, by then your customer may have since moved on to look at someone else's product and purchased that instead. If you'd had Skype however, you could have saved that sale and it could be a huge sales booster for your eBay businesses. How you ask? Read on, because today, you're going to learn how Skype can benefit your eBay business.

Let's go back to our situation: Let's say I have a question about a product and I decide to send an e-mail to the seller. Let's assume that the seller in fact responds within a reasonable period of time to my question, but he is unclear. For example, if I live in England and saw a product for sale on eBay which I think would be "just darling" in my country estate, I might send you an e-mail asking if you ship to England. Now if you are a thorough person, you will take the trouble to look up the price of the shipping and provide a shipping quote to me so that I might have your delightful nick nack on my mantle in jolly old England. However, you told me that the price would be $20 for shipping via USPS. But I've had a dreadful time with the American post office and would very much prefer shipping via UPS or FedEx and the extra cost be darned. Now I need to take the time to bother with making another query to you instead of simply placing an order. However, if you'd had a Skype account available, I could have simply contacted you and talked about it in real time over the telephone or via chat. Then, I'd have placed my order and you'd be on your way to riches and glory.

Okay, enough about England. Let's say I'm an American in New York City and I ordered a product from someone in California, an iPod for example. The iPod arrives in my mailbox and I'm all excited, but when I turn it on, I see...nothing. I keep furiously pushing the buttons and nothing happens. It's as if the machine is dead. I must have been ripped off; I think and race to my computer to send you an angry e-mail. Then, still feeling frustrated, I leave you an angry feedback, which hurts your business (it can and does happen, especially now that eBay no longer allows sellers to leave feedback for buyers).

How can Skype benefit your eBay business here you ask? Simple; if you'd had Skype; I could have gotten on the line with you and gotten a real time answer to my problem. For example: did you check to make sure the hold switch is set to off? Otherwise, none of the buttons will work.

Or maybe it really doesn't work, but you can then head off disaster by immediately promising to replace it for free. In today's world of instant gratification, we can be too quick to send off nasty e-mails and put out nasty feedbacks simply because of the fact that we don't have the ability to be in touch and ask questions at the same speed our minds work. However, if only you had Skype, all these problems could have been avoided.


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