Gay Celebrate Pride Parade Chicago 2010

Posted by admin 6/27/2010 0 comments
Today is 41st Annual Chicago Pride Parade by gay community in Chicago. Across the country in United States, gay community continues to work for equal rights, acceptance and mainstream visibility.

This Sunday marks the 41st Annual Chicago Pride Parade, and as the gay community in Chicago and across the country continues to work for equal rights, acceptance and mainstream visibility, Pride Weekend gives us all a chance to be among thousands of like-minded and local people, to celebrate who we are and make no apologies for it.

Whether you go to Pride to be with friends, march with activists or dance in the streets--Chicago Pride Weekend has it all, and The Huffington Post has compiled a list of the Sunday highlights below:

Sunday It's parade time!

Chicago Pride Fest a two-day introduction to Sunday’s 41st annual Chicago Pride Parade, kicked off Friday afternoon on a near perfect summer afternoon in Chicago’s Lakeview neighborhood. The annual Chicago Pride Parade is Sunday, June 27 starts at Noon from Halsted and Belmont.

Thousands of people will head to North Halsted Street for bead throwing, dancing, public nudity and celebrating all things gay with your fellow gays and allies. Chicago Blackhawks who won Stanley Cup will make an appearance as well.

Chicago's 41st Annual Pride Parade starts at noon Sunday and will likely draw thousands of people to North Halsted Street for bead throwing, dancing, public nudity and, of course celebrating all things gay with your fellow gays and friends.

This year the Chicago Blackhawks' recently-won Stanley Cup will make an appearance as well. After the parade, there will be parties galore, but here are some to note: GirlBlast (in the Belmont Avenue parking lot of Ann Sather) drew more than 3,500 women last year.

TimeOut lauds the party a "booze-and-boobs bash,". Nomi of Hercules and Love Affair will be performing at Berlin following the parade, along with the Chances Dances DJs John Twatters, Lady Speedstick, Butch Cassidy, Nina Ramone and Lady Miss Navy Pier.

If you're looking for a fancier post-Pride parade experience, head over to the Gold Coast for "Glitter," at Le Passage, dubbed the "official" Pride after-party.


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