Affordable Skincare
Early on, these companies realized the beauty of using these artificial substances is they cost about a nickel-a-jar to produce, and once put in a jar, can be labeled just about anything the company desires...moisturizer, wrinkle reducer, anti aging remedy, skin rejuvenator, therapeutic hydrator, fine line eliminator, etc., etc. And once given a fancy title, these companies can price the product just about any way they see fit.
Bottom line, the affordable skincare you settled for at the drugstore is no better than the "exclusive", high-priced cream you really wanted but, couldn't afford, at the elegant boutique in the mall.
The good news about all this is consumers are becoming more educated and understand rubbing synthetic chemicals into the skin is a risky proposition. Once you learn chemicals used in brake fluid, antifreeze, and varnish are also used in creams for the face and body, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to understand these products can't be good for you.
But if there is no difference between high-priced creams and affordable skincare products, what types of choices do you have when it comes to finding products which truly improve your skin?
Well, the latest scientific findings support the use of substances which are moleculary similar to the molecular make up of human skin. Natural substances possess this vital characteristic.
But the power of bio-active ingredients doesn't end with similar molecules. These substances also possess stimulating nutrients which are delivered directly into the skin cells which heal damaged cell function and restore healthy production of skin supportive proteins and fatty acids. You may know these substances better as collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid (also know as the "youth molecule").
Products formulated with these special ingredients are priced a little higher because of the steep cost of research and testing. However, this really is affordable skincare, because a little goes a long way, making a jar or tube last much longer than the typical product.
So now that you know the truth about affordable skincare, what's your next step? I encourage you to use this information to find creams made with healthy, clinically-proven natural extracts which support the health, as well as, appearance of your skin. I can help you get started when you visit my web site.
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