Training Your Mind
The big obstacle that keeps getting in your way is called life. You see, we all deal with it in different ways. Some of us set a plan, and stick to that plan regardless of whatever else happens. But what if this is not possible?
I had a friend once who was a good bit overweight. I remember her determination to be thin. To hear her talk, you would believe there was no way she would not be successful.
She planned her diet and workout routines meticulously. Her weight loss journal was by her side at all times. Then she started the program.
At first, everything was great. She lost about 3 pounds her first week. She was sticking to her diet and doing aerobics after work every evening. Then something happened.
She had to work late. She was a graphic artist, and she was facing a project that absolutely had to be completed that night. She didn't get home until around midnight.
Needless to say, she missed her workout. Instead of viewing this as a temporary setback, however, she saw it as the end. She ordered a pizza and ate some ice cream. Unfortunately, this was one in a long series of weight loss failures for her.
Unless you are one of the fortunate ones who were taught healthy coping skills early in life, you might need to reprogram your mind if you're going to lose the weight you want. In fact, if you've failed repeatedly at losing weight, this is almost certainly the case.
How do you train your brain?
Your subconscious mind is very similar to a computer in many ways. Yours is running many programs right now. Most of these weren't put there by you, however. It's our parents and early environment that set the stage for the programs that will be with us all our lives.
Unless we decide to change those programs.
And you can do it. You have to if you're going to lose permanent weight. You have to somehow get it into your brain that you want to be thin. How?
There are a few ways, but I'm going to share with you one that is super simple that you can put into action today - right now.
You might have heard of affirmations. They are statements of what you desire. Affirmations are spoken in the present tense, as if you had already achieved them.
Here's an example of what an affirmation might be like. "I weigh 120 pounds." Notice I didn't say "I want to weight 120 pounds." This is important.
Now, if you've read books on affirmations before, you've probably been told to say your affirmation 10 times a day for 30 days, and all your wishes will come true.
Massive results call for massive action. I would recommend you say your affirmation minimum 500-1000 times every day until you get what you want. This will definitely communicate your desire to you subconscious mind.
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