Air Conditioning Air Filter Selection
An interesting fact is that according to the EPA, indoor air can be 2 to 5 times worse in air quality than outside air. (source: This may sound surprising but when you think about it, it makes perfect sense. The reason for that is that your indoor air is re-circulated throughout your home. The only "filtration" this air gets is from your air conditioning system. And as you, your family, and your pets use your home the air quality becomes worse over time if it is not filtered efficiently.
Thankfully, in 1987 the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers ( created the MERV Rating system to rate the effectiveness of air filters. MERV stands for Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value. MERV ratings range from 1-16 with a higher number corresponding to a higher percentage of particles that are trapped by the air filter.
Air filters with a low MERV rating will only trap large particles while filters with high MERV ratings will trap large, small, and even microscopic particles such as bacteria and even odor.
There are 4 basic types of filters each with a different range of MERV ratings:
The first type which is typically made of fiberglass, spun glass, or polyester are designed more to protect your system rather than improving air quality of your home. The reason for this is that these filters have a low MERV rating and will only remove large particles from the air.
The second type is the pleated filter, which has a higher MERV rating and will remove both large and small particles from the air.
Third, is the pleated electrostatic filter. This is the best filter available and will remove large, small, and even microscopic particles from the air. The air filters with the highest MERV ratings will even remove tiny bacteria and even odors from your indoor air. These are especially good for individuals that suffer from allergies.
And lastly, the washable air filters. When considering these you should remember that while they may last longer due to the ability to be washed and reused, they are generally not near as effective as pleated and pleated electrostatic air filters.
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