How to Help Your Patients Get the Best From Their Therapy
First of all, you want to know the patient will receive the settings. Especially if the patient believes will not be used for physical therapy, then it is not better. Have you ever wondered why your patient is here? And the answer is "because my doctor told me!" Some people do what they say to do this, without thinking why. May your patient to see how, simply because it was said, and therefore he has no idea who they helped, or worse, has no desire to be helped.
If the patient believes that he or she can not be helped, not included in the amount or quality of treatment that helps. Even though the patients may be improved, simply because it does not help, unable to see itself therefore you have to change its attitude towards the patient receive assistance. How? Ask him what he wants to achieve with physical therapy. There should be the first question to the patient during the initial assessment. This question, "What you want to achieve with your treatment?"
May-be you surprised at the answer he receives.
In fact, what really is important is not the answer you get, but what we are doing here is in agreement that it is possible to obtain. You can use your position in relation to receive assistance. What to do if the answer is "I do not know sent me my doctor here?" Then I ask him what it was doing to earn his living, or what their leisure, etc. Discover what is in the origin of the pain. Even your doctor that the physical therapy to improve their situation. This is in agreement, which could be useful.
It is also very important to increase the affinity between you and your patients. What the interest and communicate with your patients. Patients over his life, his work, and that is important for him, etc. to talk about your patients and their feelings. Listen and recognize. It is surprising that patients have their conditions of appointment and straight, that you are interested in them. Communication is a powerful tool.
It is important that you are concerned their patients. Patients, if you care. And loyalty to that statement is not superficial. The success of the therapists who are genuinely interested in their patients. Be clear from the beginning of therapy, you really want to help.
Here are some important points that I learned a course for patients with measurable Solutions, I recommend:
1) A connection with the patient. Make sure you know that the most important person in your life, everything here.
2) To educate patients about their condition so that he or she is the importance to remain in the program.
3) Enter the patient, like a house, writes and illustrates with instructions in the context of the possible.
4) For the counseling of patients about the importance that all appointments for physical therapy.
5) Try to extend the treatment of the patient, if the goals are not complete or satisfactory, especially if the goals thanks to new treatments. (Let your patients)
6) Check to see if it is only by the insurance available.
7) If the patient monitoring visit with the doctor, please report on the progress of the patient and recommendations.
8) If the patient does not for a visit accompanied by the doctor or the date on which it too far, ask your doctor for a prescription. In some cases, it is May, for the patient to generate call in the doctor's office.
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