Make Your Ex Girlfriend Call You Back - 3 Sneaky Mind Games to Get Her to Return Your Phone Calls

Posted by admin 4/15/2009 0 comments
Frustrated because your ex girlfriend does not return your calls, emails or text messages. Relax because I will give you a step by step plan. In this making up blueprint you will discover the exact steps you need to do to make sure she will answer your phone calls. Now this is not some old boring theory but relative new information about female psychology. Not so long ago getting access to this information was only possible by paying a break-up expert a few hundred dollars for telephone consultation. Now I love to help people so I will give it out for free but you have to take action. There is an art in calling your ex girlfriend there are things you can say and things that will drive your further away. And believe me most guys are looking in the wrong direction.

Do not act jealous

Jealousy is the biggest attraction killer. This state of emotion is responsible for a majority of the break-ups. Now perhaps she is already dating someone and of course you are dying inside. Relax your ex girlfriend is just testing you. If you ask her questions about the new guy you will end up losing the game. Women love men with a higher value then them. If she brings the guy up play it cool, do not act like it is a big deal.

Do not argue about the break-up

Never talk about the break-up. Of course if she is the one bringing the topic up never argue about it. Women are much more emotional then us men. Just like in the jealous rule play it cool again. Talk about small talk is way better then about the break-up or your feelings. Use this wisely and she will return your phone calls.

Apologize without saying sorry

To get a break-up you need two people so let's be honest not everything was her fault. However there is an art in apologizing. Just saying I'm sorry about it will backfire on you. Do not apologize for the person who you are or was during the relationship. Do this and she will see you as a men of lower value. Instead apologize for the feelings and state of emotion she is in at this moment. This may look like an unimportant detail but it is not.

Use these techniques and she will return your phone calls. Can I give you one additional tip if you are online never check her check her online accounts on social network sites: Facebook, MySpace and other stuff.

Look your situation may look very unique but it is not. Getting your ex back is easy but the real secret is to get her back and keep her. But what if there was a system that not only shows you how to get your ex wife back but also a manual you can use to train her. That's right once you understand the deeper secrets of how woman think she will treat you like a king.

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