Weight Loss - Follow Your Feelings

Posted by admin 4/30/2009 0 comments
Successful weight loss has more to do with how you feel and think than with what you eat. When you are unhappy with your body, those feelings cause energy vibrations that attract more similar energy and you just get more body to be unhappy about. The law of attraction is always working and it says that what you focus your attention on will become your reality. So if you change your thoughts, you can make changes in your body.

Your feelings will give you a better indication of where to go and what to do than any rules of a diet. If you feel good, your energy vibrations are high and you'll attract high energy in return which will make you feel better about yourself.

Blaming yourself and feeling guilty after you eat a box of cookies is only negative energy that goes out into the universe and attracts more similar negative energy, and you never get out of guilt or blame. You may like pie, but after eating lots of it, you feel badly. Think about when you exercise, even though you don't like it, you feel great afterwards. These great feelings are what you want to remember to think about and focus your attention on. It's not so much the thoughts, but the feeling you want to remember.

Taking small steps towards your goal will increase your confidence which raises the vibrations you send out into the universe. It's difficult to continually focus on your total goal when you see your reflection in a store window or your mirror, but by appreciating small achievements you strengthen your confidence which will help to strengthen your intuition. It is here, from your intuition that you will get the promptings and hunches to eat this or not eat that or do this exercise. Your feelings about what you do are more important. When you feel good, you are on the right track.

The rules of dieting that you've learned are programmed into your brain and they are not true. Look at those people who can eat anything and not gain weight. What you believe is what you will get. If you believe that eating cookies will cause you to get fat, then that is true for you and your subconscious mind will prove it to you, because it likes to be right, and your belief is there in your subconscious mind.

It's not what you eat, but what you think about what you eat. If you change your thoughts about foods, and about your body, you will make changes in your weight and your body shape.

You don't have to be perfect right now, just raise your thinking about your body with appreciation and love. It does wonderful things for you that you don't even have to think about. Just raise your thinking and your feelings about yourself just a little bit. This will attract higher energy that will multiply and eventually create the ideal body you desire. Do it in small steps.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mareen_Robinson


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